Fresh Soy Milk

It is so easy to make fresh soy milk with only two ingredients: non-GMO soybeans and water! You can enjoy your additive-free soy milk all week in your coffee, oatmeal, and other recipes. You can also add salt, sugar and/or flavoring to taste for fresh drinking. I found non-GMO soybeans in my local Asian grocery store. They are widely available online, such as


  • 1 cup non-GMO soybeans
  • 8 cups filtered water, divided into 4, 3, and 1 cups


  1. Soak the soybeans overnight, or for 10 hours.
  2. Drain and rinse the soybeans and put them in a high speed blender with three cups of water.
  3. Blend on high until completely smooth.
  4. Bring 4 cups of water to boil in a large stockpot. Pour in the soybean mixture. Rinse the blender pitcher with a cup of water to get the last bits of soy mixture and add to the stockpot.
  5. Set the heat to medium-high. Stir often to keep the liquid from sticking on the bottom and scorching. Patiently wait for it to come to a boil. When the liquid begins to boil it will foam up quickly and spill over, you need to be watchful and turn off the heat and pull the stockpot off the burner to avoid this. Just enjoy the moment of silence as you wait.
  6. Strain the liquid into a nut bag in a strainer over a large bowl. Let it sit until it is cool enough to handle and squeeze out the remainder of the liquid. Set the okara (solid remains) aside.
  7. Pour the liquid back into a clean stockpot and bring back to a boil. Reduce to a simmer for 15 minutes. Your soymilk is now finished and your home should be full of the delicious, nutty smell of fresh soy milk!
  8. You may now add salt and sugar, a little at a time, until it suits your palate. But this is completely optional.


This recipe produces about 5 cups of soymilk or 1 block of tofu if coagulated with 1 1/2 tsp of nigari dissolved into 1/2 cup of water.

Fresh Soy Milk

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